After a few days in Bangkok we took the night train up north to the city of Chiang Mai from where we wanted to explore the surroundings with a hired 4 WD. Continue reading
In Thailand
Hi everybody, just wanted to let you know that I arrived safely in Bangkok, actually I’ve already spent two nights here in the Sawasdee guest house near Khaosan Road. The Tuk-Tuk’s are slowly driving me nuts, and bargaining can be very exhausting …
Tonight I’m heading north towards Chiang Mai.
Gallery Update
Fotos von meinem Trip durch Italien (Toskana, Cinque Terre) und Südfrankreich (Les Calanques). Einen Bericht gibt es, wenn ich ein bisschen mehr Zeit finde | Zu den Bildern
Ich bin jetzt offiziell …
… Diplomphysiker! Habe mein Zeugnis und die Urkunde bekommen und darf mich jetzt also irgendwie besser fühlen … oder so ähnlich. Geschenke und Spenden bitte an meine Adresse im Impressum schicken.
Back home!
Nach vier Wochen herumtouren in Norwegen und Schweden bin ich wieder im schönen Konstanz angekommen! Wenn auch nur kurz, da die nächste Fahrt schon ansteht, diesmal in den Süden mit hoffentlich ein bisschen mehr Sonne … ich werd euch auf dem laufenden halten!
Tour de Scandinavie, 7. Etappe: Stockholm – Öland – Lund
For our last night in Stockholm we didn’t have accommodation but actually managed to get a free bed in the hostel and obviously two in the camper. After Danny had taken his plane back to Munich Jörg and I started the final part of the trip, heading south towards Lund with a stop on the island of Öland near the southern end of Sweden | See the pictures Continue reading
Getting washed away on Grinda
After two nights in the city we’d spend the next one on an island called Grinda about 2hrs by boat off Stockholm. The weather forecast was perfect for the day so we started early to get the ferry by 9.30h | See the pictures Continue reading
Getting frostbitten in Stockholm
Wednesday night we picked Danny up from the airport Arlanda north of Stockholm. Danny is a friend of Joerg, they met during a practical term in Tokyo a couple of years ago. For the next four days we’d be three to explore the bars and places of Stockholm | See the pictures Continue reading
Tour de Scandinavie, stage 6: Swedish border – Idre – Uppsala
Shortly after cossing the border of Sweden and Norway you come past Idre and should take the road up to the Nipfjället where the Nipman palters with tourist or rather their cars. At a certain spot you can see your vehicle rolling up the hill! Pretty funny and quite surprising | See the pictures Continue reading
Tour de Scandinavie, stage 5: Trondheim – Dovrefjell – Lillehammer – Swedish border
In Trondheim there’s actually the Nidaros church worth visiting. Again the library offers free internet. To recharge our batteries and get a hot shower we booked the camp site Flakk a bit outside the city right next to the sea.
After a very slow morning with scrambled eggs and potatoes we headed inland, leaving the coast of Norway | See the pictures Continue reading