Getting washed away on Grinda

After two nights in the city we’d spend the next one on an island called Grinda about 2hrs by boat off Stockholm. The weather forecast was perfect for the day so we started early to get the ferry by 9.30h | See the pictures
On arrival we first got a bit worried when we heard that apart from us there was hardly anyone on the Island that night! Only a few couples and an old guy with his wife and dog. So we changed the initial plan and hired one of the four bed cottages instead of the four bed rooms in the youth hostel area. A bit more expensive but definitely nicer.
A good decision, we had a very calm and lazy afternoon at the beach, laying in the sun. The water was clear and cold and every now and then a wave flushed my feet which felt actually really good. Well, until one of these waves decided to grow bigger and bigger and without warning completely flooded my part of the beach, including me, my camera, mp3 player, wallet and mobile phone. I managed to throw all items up onto a rock when I spotted my calendar swimming a few metres in the sea. And then Danny yelled out “Joerg, your socks” – he’d put them in the sun to dry them and the wave flushed his shoes and socks away. So Joerg was the only one of us who went swimming that day. My calendar came back by itself, a bit washed/out but no major losses. But the mobile still doesn’t work anymore …
After the incident we decided to explore the island and walked to the restaurant and bar in the central part but didn’t go in because the crowd looked a bit too classy. Instead I started collecting fire wood and got the camp fire burning while Joerg and Danny began to kill our drink reservoir. It was a funny night, sitting around the fire, eating famous Swedish “Köttbullar” (meat balls) and listening to music.
Stupidly I managed to hit my knee on a rock and since than I haven’t been able to walk properly but now three days later it seems to get better.
When we got up the next day the weather was back to normal: rainy and cloudy, so we left the island with the next boat to get back to Stockholm and find accommodation for our last night in the capital.

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