Back in Bangkok

Sitting here in the sticky air in an internet cafe, looking at some photos of Tonsai and Ao Laoliang, makes me think of the great time we’ve had so far in Thailand. Now we’re spending the last days in Bangkok to do some last shopping (I finally found another tailor where I can get a suit with the fabric that I’d wanted back in Chiang Mai) and visit the Royal Palace. And in a couple of days I’ll be in Melbourne where Lindsay is organising a “welcome back” party – great idea, mate!

2 thoughts on “Back in Bangkok

  1. Michèle sagt:

    Hi Felix!
    Hört sich ja super an bei Euch!!!!
    Where are the pics? ;-)

    Liebe Grüsse

  2. Felix sagt:

    Sorry, das I-net hier ist einfach zu lahm … aber ich sag mal in spaetestens einer Woche …
    Gruesse in die Schweiz!

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