Wilsons Promontory – Northern Circuit

  • deutsch

In the most southern corner of Victoria, at the same time Australias most southern tip at all, resides the Wilsons Promontory National Park, renowned for its breathtaking nature. It offers almost everything, bushland, mountains (well, at least some little), forest and sandy beaches.
Many walking tracks are crossing the park, some are more maintained, some others less. A two hour stroll or a multi day hike, you can have it all. We (this time that means Jesper, Jasmine, Dillon and I) chose the latter and tackled the “Northern Circuit”.
This walk consists of four stages (if you skip several camps as we did) and sourrounds the northern part of the Prom. The difficulty is said to be moderate to hard since the track marks are availible only sparely sometimes and hence you’re supposed to be capable of dealing with maps and compass. | See the pictures Continue reading

Climbing in the Werribee Gorge

  • deutsch

The complete gearA week ago I met Adrian at the local boulder wall, and yesterday we already went climbing together to the Werribee Gorge. This crag is located about one hour by car west of Melbourne. It offers only a few sport climbs but some easy trad routes. A good opportunity for me to try my first trad leading, a style of climbing that I haven’t really done so far. It’s definitely more intensive if you have to trust the placements that are put in the wall by yourself. Even though the grade is fairly low so one should be able climb that easily. | See the pictures …

Picasso – Love & War 1935-1945

  • deutsch

Picasso - Love & War 1935-1945Just in time I updated my cultural knowledge by visiting the “Picasso – Love & War 1935-1945″ exhibition last week that took place in the National Gallery of Victoria.
Beforehand I had hardly anything known about Picasso (not even the fact that he was living in the 20th century); most of his paintings I didn’t really like, in fact there was not a single one that I’d call nice. But some were definetly interesting. Especially the part of the exhibition that showed the photographs taken by his muse wasn’t up my alley whereas some of his pencil sketches were pretty impressive. The ones that I liked the most were his mor colourful paintings like those deformed faces.
Unfortunately there are only a few photos as I got caught by the secutrity relativly early – I must have missed some prohibition sign. | See the pictures …

Welcome Party

Ein bißchen verspätet fand am Samstag eine “Welcome party” in meine Wohnung statt. Da ich leider mal wieder vergessen hab, selbst Fotos zu schießen, gibts nur ein paar wenige zu sehen im Album “Wohnen und Arbeiten”. Außerdem war ich nochmal mit der Kamera in der Stadt oder besser gesagt in Hawthorn (der Stadtteil, in dem die Uni liegt) unterwegs und auch davon gibts ein paar Bilder. Continue reading

Bilder zur WM 2006

Ist zwar mittlerweile schon wieder etwas länger her, aber war es nicht eine coole Sache, wie “unsere Jungs” den dritten Platz bei der WM erreicht haben? Ich finde schon, dewegen gibts auch ein paar Fotos in der Gallery nachgereicht.